
Tanning Beds

Preparing for your tanning bed session ensures the best results and a comfortable experience. Follow these simple steps to make the most of your time in the tanning bed:

  • Shower and Exfoliate: Start by taking a shower to remove any oils, lotions, or cosmetics from your skin. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub to slough off dead skin cells, allowing for a more even tan.
  • Remove Makeup and Jewelry: Remove all makeup, including foundation, mascara, and lipstick, as they can create a barrier between your skin and the UV light. Take off any jewelry to prevent tan lines and protect your valuables.
  • Apply Tanning Lotion: Moisturize your skin with a high-quality tanning lotion designed for indoor tanning. This helps to hydrate your skin, extend the life of your tan, and enhance your results. Be sure to choose a lotion suitable for indoor use to avoid damaging the tanning bed's acrylic surface.
  • Protect Sensitive Areas: Use a barrier cream or lotion on sensitive areas such as your lips, nipples, and tattoos to prevent them from darkening too much during your session. You can also use protective eyewear to shield your eyes from UV exposure.
  • Choose Appropriate Clothing: Wear minimal clothing or a swimsuit that exposes the areas you want to tan. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing or accessories that could leave marks on your skin.
  • Time Your Session: Determine the appropriate session length based on your skin type and tanning goals. Start with a shorter session time, especially if you're new to indoor tanning, and gradually increase it as your skin becomes accustomed to the UV exposure.
  • Follow Safety Guidelines: Always adhere to the safety guidelines provided by the tanning salon. This includes limiting your exposure to UV light, avoiding overexposure, and not tanning more than once a day.
By following these preparation tips, you can enjoy a safe, effective, and comfortable tanning bed experience at Chell Rae Boutique & Tanning. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask our knowledgeable staff. We're here to help you achieve your desired tan!